Black Star Canyon: The Complete First Season by CC Wall

bsc1CC Wall is really resurrecting a style of writing that many unfortunately consider to be dead. With a clear influence of soap operas, TV dramas, and pulp fiction, Wall weaves together a tale of a creepy town that will keep you turning pages. The serial format is really the perfect way to tell a story like this and ebooks have made this possible. It’s a style that I wish more authors and readers would embrace as there’s so much potential in the serial format.

A lot’s been said about Wall’s treatment of the mystery and the characters, but what really grabbed me the most about the first season of Black Star Canyon was the prose. Wall writes in an almost staccato-like manner and though it may be jarring for some, I found it to be very effective in conveying the nature of the story world.

I’ve already got seasons two and three on my Kindle and am looking forward to continuing the adventure.

Pick upĀ Black Star Canyon: The Complete First Season on Amazon!

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