
Killer’s Quest (Mark of Cain, Book 1)

Cursed with immortality for fratricide, Cain now yearns for solitude. But when a clandestine society entreats him to aid, his reclusive life is shattered. What he uncovers is a chilling plot devised by a fanatical cult hell-bent on eradicating all things supernatural.

Thrilling action, dark secrets, and a race against time weave together in this pulse-racing tale. As Cain grapples with his identity and battles forces bent on his destruction, the timeless question of belonging reverberates through every page.

Don’t miss your chance to embark on an electrifying journey through a realm where shadows hold unimaginable power. Immerse yourself in the latest addition to the Dark Crossroads universe!

Book Categories: Dark Crossroads and Mark of Cain.