99¢ Pulp! New Year’s Sale!


Yesterday, I announced a Kindle Countdown sale where my latest book, SoulQuest was available from Amazon for only 99¢!

But why stop there? Instead, I’m having a huge sale to ring in the New Year!

Until January 5th, you can get SoulQuest from Amazon for 99¢, but you can also get the following books for the same price!

Chasing The DragonLove & Bullets, Outlaw BluesThe Myth Hunter, and Dragon Kings of the Orient are all available for 99¢ as well, and will remain that way throughout the month of January!

Head on over to the individual pages linked above, where you can find buy links for your e-reader of choice! Note that some venues may take longer to show the change than others, in which case you can go to my Smashwords page to get them in whatever format you choose!

Here’s to a very pulpy 2014!

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