Japan Writers Conference 2013

As some of you know, I submitted a proposal to the Japan Writers Conference for their upcoming event this November in Okinawa. About a month ago, I was contacted by them and told that my presentation was accepted! For those of you in Japan, try to come on out to the Okinawa Christian University on November 2nd from 10 am until 5 pm and then again on November 3rd from 10 am until 3 pm. My presentation on self-publishing will be on November 3rd from 2-2:50 in Room #3! I’m really looking forward to this opportunity to meet and connect with other writers in Japan!

In addition to that, apologies for my lack of activity lately. I wish I could tell everyone it’s because I’ve been lying on the beach all summer, but the truth is I’ve been really busy. My previous day-job ended at the end of July, and so all summer (and for several months before), I’ve been looking for a new one. Luckily I found one, and am still able to stay in Kagoshima. I also had to find a new home, which required a lot of house-hunting, but that too has been settled and now I’ve moved into the new place and have everything unpacked and ready to go. I’ve also been really busy with these graduate-level courses I’ve started taking for my masters degree: the first two are winding down and this upcoming fall semester, I’ll only take one class.

On the writing front, some exciting things in the pipeline. I’ve just completed a short story for one of Pro Se Press’ anthologies, and I have two more in the works. One of those stories is at the halfway mark and the other I’ll jump right into as well. I’m not sure if Tommy Hancock will like me announcing which anthologies these three stories will appear in, so for now I’ll just have to keep quiet on that front. I’ve also got another short story, which if I can finish in time will turn up in the next PulpWork Christmas Special.

My seventh novel, SoulQuest, is done. The PDF for the book’s interior is laid out, and I’m just waiting on the cover art from the artist, which should be finished in September. If all goes well, the book will be ready to drop by October or November, with the ebook coming shortly after.

I’ve got a pretty good idea of what my next novel will be. For those waiting on another Infernum or Myth Hunter book, sorry to say but it won’t be one of those. Although I have not abandoned them. I’ve got rough outlines and working titles for the third books in both those series. This next book I’m working on, though, is something I’ve thought about for a while and I’m looking forward to finally having the chance to work on it.

More information as it becomes available.

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