PULPED! The New Pulp Podcast is exactly what it sounds like — a podcast focused on the New Pulp community. It’s hosted primarily by Tommy Hancock, with Ron Fortier, Derrick Ferguson, and Barry Reese serving as regular co-hosts.

These four gentlemen are pretty much the heavy hitters in the New Pulp community. So getting them all together and listening to them go back and forth is absolutely awesome. I suggest you check out the show, there are a ton of episodes to sample.

Looking for something to start with? Well, why not the latest episode, Double The Pulp? You can listen to me discuss Dragon Kings of the Orient and some broader discussion on Elisa Hill and her universe. And once you’re done listening to my segment, stick around and hear what Altus Press’ Stephen Payne has to say about Master of Menace, is latest Secret Agent X novel!

You should also give a listen to the preceding episode, Tales of the Rook Gets PULPED! That episode discusses the best-selling Tales of the Rook anthology centered around Barry Reese’s New Pulp classic, the Rook. In addition to featuring a story by me, Tales of the Rook also features stories by Ron Fortier, Mike Bullock, Bobby Nash, Tommy Hancock, and Barry himself. And all these guys appear in this episode (although not all of us at the same time, unfortunately).

Give them a listen and after you’re done, check out what all these fine writers are working on!

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