SoulQuest Cover — One Step Closer

SoulQuest inksBrad Horton has finished the inks for the SoulQuest cover, which you can see right on the left! There may still be some changes to the final version, mostly the positioning of the airship, but for the most part, this is how it will look. Brad emailed me this image today and said he’s moving on to the colors and will hopefully have them finished by this week.

Once the colors are done, it’s just a matter of adding the logo and tweaking it as necessary, and then fast-tracking the book to production. By that I don’t mean rushing the project, but the interior files are already done, so once Brad finishes up the cover art, all that’s left to do is assemble the front, back and spine of the cover. There has already been some preliminary work on this, but it’ll change a bit once I see how the colors come back and the cover and logo will be adjusted as needed.

But the good news is that it looks like this book will be available before the end of the year, so be sure to mention it in your letter to Santa!

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