Why I joined Kindle Unlimited


Back when Kindle Unlimited was first announced, I said I wasn’t going to join it. The reasons were that I didn’t like the idea of giving Amazon exclusivity over my content and also because I didn’t like the royalty pay-out of a flat rate per book regardless of the book’s price. Compared to the competing subscription services of Oyster and Scribd (which pay you a percentage of the book’s list price), I didn’t think KU was very healthy.

But that was then and this is now. Amazon has since changed the rules again and now royalties are based on pages read as opposed to a flat rate per book. And some have seen an income drop. But there’s another thing to consider and that’s the performance of my book on the other vendors.

I think it’s great that places like iBooks, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Smashwords and more are trying to provide some competition for Amazon. But the fact remains that they’re pretty bad at it. The search functionality of those websites makes discoverability all but impossible and there aren’t many promotional opportunities outside of Bookbub.

As much as I don’t like exclusivity, it seems the only way to build an audience these days is with Kindle Unlimited. So I’ve decided to make the plunge. Season two of Vanguard was going to launch in Kindle Unlimited, but now I’ve taken it a step further and added all of season one into the program as well.

If you’re a Kindle Unlimited user, now’s your chance to read the entire series for free!

[mybooktable series=”vanguard-the-collected-seasons”] [mybooktable series=”vanguard”]

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