The fate of Lucifer is revealed in the final Morningstar book!

It’s time!

After a few setbacks, I’m now ready to release the fifth and final book in the Morningstar series! This brings Lucifer’s story to a conclusion in which his final fate will be revealed.

This was a fun book to write and really gave me an opportunity to do some interesting things with Lucifer’s character. I’ll have more to say in the book’s afterword, so make sure you pick it up to know why I made the choices I did.

Even though this is the end of Lucifer’s story, it’s not the end of the Dark Crossroads universe. I’ve polled my readers and asked you all what you’d like to see next, and the result was someone surprising.

Cain was the clear favorite in the polling. At first, it was a three-way tie, but in the run-off, he came ahead as the obvious choice. I was pretty surprised by this myself, but as soon as I saw the results, my mind started working on possible story ideas.

What you see here is a work in progress for the series logo. The series itself will be titled Mark of Cain. I haven’t settled on a title for the first book, though, but I’ll be sure to announce it later.

But I digress. You’re here to find out about the final Lucifer book! It is available today in both digital and paperback formats and you can also read it for free if you’re a member of Kindle Unlimited.

Thanks as always for your support. But remember, these books are dependent on your reviews and shares to help get the word out. So please make sure to leave a review and tell your friends about the series! I’ll have some sales coming up in the near future that will make it easy for new readers to jump on.

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